Mardan: Save the Life Welfare Foundation organized free medical camp in Baghdad in which 385 patients were provided free medical facilities as well as free medicines. District Development Advisory Committee MPA Zarshad Khan, MPA Abdul Salam Afridi inaugurated the free medical camp while Deputy Director Information Shamsulhaq, President of foundation Maulana Zia-ur-Rehman Farooqi, Chairman Muhammad Anas, Elders of the area Malik Muhammad Ilyas, Ishfaq Lodhi and others were also present on the occasion. Dr Hidayat ur Rahman Medical Specialist, Dr. Nigar Ahmad Chest Specialist, Dr. Akhunzada Wajid Chest Specialist, Professor Dr. Sana Asif Gynecologist, Dr. Mubeena Aziz and Dr. Sara Mumtaz provide free consultation to the patients. Speaking on the occasion, Zarshad Khan and Abdul Salam Afridi has said that serving the suffering humanity is a true worship. Due to lack of rain, seasonal diseases have increased and in such a situation, doctors should come forward and organize free medical camps at their regional level to serve humanity in a better way. They added,
Members of Save the Life Welfare Foundation Baghdada Mardan deserve praise for organizing medical camps for the poor in this era of inflation. More than 65% of the population in the country are youths and if the young people continue like this, the problems facing the country can be reduced very soon.
Save the life welfare foundation organized free medical camp which is commendable and we will support this foundation in such kind of welfare activities.