Muhammad Daud
Unfortunately we are living in a population of 240 million peoples that is over-burdened on our resources, as result we have damaged the economy, agricultural and other resources of income that is the major cause of poverty and unemployment in the country.
In country whose 65 percent of population is based on youth and the great chunk of that papulation is unemployed which is the main target of the illegal immigration agents in country those are involved in the human trafficking.
The government is very keen to counter this illegal business which is responsible the deaths of innocent young boys and citizens those are wondering for a save heaven in Europe to earn livelihood for their families but they often trapped in the hands of illegal agents and human smugglers.
According to the news reports recently around 50 Pakistanis have died on a migrant boat, while trying to cross the Atlantic Ocean illegally to reach Europe while last year at least 40 Pakistanis died in a boat capsize incident off the coast of Greece in December 2024.
Such kind of incidents are now a routine because the above illegal networks become very stronger day by day but on the other hand the government of Pakistan, especially the prime minster Shehbaz sharif is monitoring these incidents to counter harshly the human trafficking by enforcing the law of the state.
According to the law enforcement agencies the victims were part of a group of migrants who were trying to enter Europe illegally and the elements those were involved in that above deadly incident, actually the human smugglers.
Recently the federal investigation agency Progress report against elements involved in human trafficking and arrested 185 human smugglers and agents in the last one month 38 most wanted human smugglers included in the Red Book were arrested.
The good think is that 16 agents involved in the Greek boat accident 2024, were arrested. Along with that 20 FIA officials were also detained and an investigation was launched that is sing of self-accountability and will help further to reach to the bottom of the international gang.
The FAI, report informed that 15 informants and 15 mastermind human smugglers were arrested in connection with the Greek boat accident of the year 2023, than Property worth more than Rs 450 million of the accused involved in human trafficking was seized Bank accounts worth Rs 70 million used by elements involved in human trafficking were frozen. 20 red notices were issued through Interpol for the arrest of the accused involved in human trafficking on other hand38 FIA officials involved in the Greek boat accident were dismissed from service. Due to investigation and follow-up, 12 deputy directors and assistant directors were charge sheeted, and reports were sent to the Ministry of Interior. Explanations were sought from 4 zonal directors for poor supervision.
Departmental action was initiated against 30 officials in the context of the Libyan boat accident 2024. All resources should be utilized to arrest the agents involved in the boat accident. DG FIA Ahmed Ishaq Jahangir Officers posted at all airports in the country should closely monitor the arrest of agents.
All these steps are showing the seriousness of the government but
DG, FIA Airport in-charges should ensure that no agent escapes abroad.
Therefor we can say that instead of all rumors and involvement of some officials in human trafficking the government playing is role very well.
The government is also working on the national Programme for youth to give them batter employments in the country, through NAVTTC (national vocational and technical training commission) the government is working on the skill development of the youth to convert them in a capable work forced to meet with international standards of employment.
On the other hand PMYP (Prime Minister Youth program) is also playing a vital role to give them scholarships in deferent trades to enhance their future. It is also providing the student laptops for the bright careers. The more important segment of the MPYP, is that its provides the easy loans to youth for their own business along with that it has the paid internship Programme for the unemployed young diploma and degree holders to move their careers with the support of the great government scheme.
Therefor the efforts of the government and law enforcement agencies should be appreciated for their efforts to counter the human trafficking because, now it’s become a big dilemma for country that is not only damaging face of the country but as a result of that every year dozens of innocent Pakistani are dying, so we hoped that in the near future all such human trafficking agents and officials, involved in the such deadly business.