MUZAFFARGARH: A girl student of Government Girls’ Primary School has become the virtual guardian of her school, thwarting the landlord’s attempt to convert it into a commercial space after its illegal possession.
Small students reached the office of DSP Tahir Ejaz, SDPO Circle, walking to file a complaint against the commercial construction going on in their school despite the concern of the school administration.
The SDPO hearing the mass complaint immediately reported the problem to DPO Hussnain Haidar and AC Asghar Laghari.
Assistant Commissioner, revenue officer, police and SDPO themselves thronged the area to witness the truth of the problem.
After arriving, it was found that the owner of the illegal construction, Ghulam Abbas, and his two sons, Muhammad Isunis, Amir and his friend Abdul Khaliq, were being held in front of the school.
After an investigation by the revenue department, it was found that the construction site belonged to the school. Police arrested the landlord and his accomplices in connection with encroachment on public property and registered a separate case against them.
Accelerating the movement, the AC ordered the illegal construction that had taken place on the school premises in the form of shops and houses.
DPO Husnain Haidar praised the minor for his timely and courageous action to save his educational treasure.