Our simple elders used to say that man and woman are the two wheels of a car, if even one of them breaks the car of the house does not run. Europe took centuries to recognize this and called it mutual recognition. Even if the liberals and especially the black native liberals are still unwilling to admit to prove their knowledge or their false ego forces them to do so, that a woman is oppressed if she works in the home.
Therefore it is necessary for women to bear the heat in the hot sun or bear the poisonous eyes of men in the offices while the liberals also have enough arguments against it which can be discussed. In fact, the problem is not women sitting at home or going out but their respect, which should not only be given to them in offices but also in homes.
Women’s respect is mandatory in all situations. Experience has proven that there are many such women in our life who are more sophisticated than us men and despite not being educated, they know how to run a household which we men cannot even imagine.
Infect every woman should be treat with love and kindness but a mother, sister, wife or daughter needs to be placed in hearts who share happiness.
The tragedy is that we live in a society where the most educated women are oppressed. It is a separate discussion that often educated women resist this oppression by placing stones on their chests but this does not mean that they are not victims of oppression. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Compared to educated women, they have more weapons to fight against these atrocities.
There is no doubt that it is important for a woman to be educated but it is not necessary that she should do a job. If she is a housewife so this is also a very honorable job for her but her services are not recognized often. However for this, instead of static traditions we need to take light from Islamic teachings and good deeds of the life of Muhammad (peace be upon him) who leave the examples of love and care towards women.
So an illiterate spouse can also make a strong and good administrator, it just requires a little patience while it is easier to teach households to an untrained educated woman. If the man proves to be a real protector many problems can be solved. It is also a proven fact that every woman is looking for love, even if you bring thousands of luxury things or wealth at her feet but if she does not get love then she will breaks down from inside. If a man is to run a household, he must get used to loving a woman one-sidedly. Love is a blessing that is naturally rewarded, so there is no need to expect a lot but love and goodness will return by itself. If a man fulfills his responsibility then there is no doubt in that to win the heart of even a very careless woman.
The purpose of our discussion today is to recognize the contribution of women and to acknowledge it with an open heart which is not often done. If a woman works in an office, the acknowledgment of her services is to make her feel that her work is helping you a lot in running the household. If you are the kind of man who sometimes makes a cup of tea for your spouse, then rest assured that your home will never suffer from problems. In this way, the services of the house wife should also be recognized, in which we educated men are the most vulnerable and often the so called educated or ignorant people also insult these poor women as unemployed and illiterate.
Such women are valuable who run the house without any compensation, otherwise it is allowed in Shariat (Islam) that if a woman does not want to do your housekeeping, you will have to hire a maid for her. So it is necessary that we should acknowledge the services of such women and make it a habit to give them a hand at least on a day off. Actually these light habits makes our life happy. That’s why Iqbal says in Zarb-e-Kaleem that:
وجود زن سے ہے تصویر کائنات میں رنگ
The colors of universe are reflected form the existence of woman
اسی کی ساز سے زندگی کا سوز دروں
The in depth philosophy of human life is also originate from her sweet music
شرف میں بڑھ کے ثریا سے مشت خاک اسکی
The dust of her body is better than, the height of the rainbow in the sky
کہ ہر شرف ہے اس کی در ج سے در مکنوں
That every honor is come from her existence, she is just like pearl in the box
مکالمات فلاطوں نہ لکھ سکی لیکن
Although she didn’t wrote the dialogues of Plato but
اسی کے شعلے سے ٹوٹا ہے شرر افلاطوں
The light of Plato’s philosophy has been broken through her flame.