The day of peace is being celebrated all over the world but unfortunately the innocent people of Palestine and Kashmir are getting bloody and martyred due to military persecution.
Let’s know what is peace
Peace meaning
freedom from war and violence, especially when people live and work together happily without disagreements.
peace talks/proposals. a peace conference/initiative. Now that the war is over, may there be a lasting peace between our nations.
Positive peace is defined as the attitudes, institutions, and structures that create and sustain peaceful societies.
It provides a framework to understand and then address the multiple and complex challenges the world faces. Positive Peace is transformational in that it is a cross-cutting factor for progress, making it easier for businesses to sell, entrepreneurs, and scientists to innovate, individuals to produce, and governments to effectively regulate
Background, The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly. Two decades later, in 2001, the General Assembly unanimously voted to designate the Day as a period of non-violence and cease-
The International Day of Peace, also officially known as World Peace Day, is a United Nations-sanctioned holiday observed annually on 21 September. It is dedicated to world peace, and specifically the absence of war and violence, such as might be occasioned by a temporary ceasefire in a combat zone for humanitarian aid access. The day was first established in 1981 and first observed in September 1982 and is kept by many nations, political groups, military groups, and people,
On International Peace Day, the United Nations asks for a 24-hour ceasefire of all hostilities around the world. It also asks people to observe one minute of silence at noon to honour victims of war and violence. The day begins with the Peace Bell Ceremony at the United Nations headquarters. The Peace Bell was donated by the United Nations Association of Japan in June 1954 and is made of metal that includes coins contributed by people from 65 member countries. The bell is a symbol of hope for peace and is rung several times a year, including on International Peace Day. After the bell has been rung, the UN Secretary-General delivers a message.
The decades-long process to formulate a peace agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians has been a voyage of trial and error throughout. The failure to reach a settlement thus far has not always been the result of bad faith or inadequate negotiating skills. Rather, it stems mainly from the inherent incapacity of both parties to reconcile themselves to each other’s fundamental requirements. Yet left to their own devices, the two sides have proven themselves tragically incapable of settling their dispute. Some of the reasons for this stalemate lie in the intrinsically intractable nature of the conflict; others, however, can be found in the broader politics that have enveloped it and in the failed negotiating paradigms
It would be wrong to dwell excessively on the weaknesses of the current leaders since that presupposes that with different leaders at the helm, an agreement could be reached through bilateral negotiations. This is not the case, however. Personalities are, of course, important in history, but the Israeli-Palestinian peace process has long been the hostage of the impersonalᅳand unyieldingᅳforces of history.
Kashmir and Palestine are waiting for peace
Israel’s military is killing Palestinians at an average rate of 250 people a day which exceeds the daily death toll of any other major conflict of recent years,
The increasing militarization of Jammu and Kashmir by Indian forces has led to numerous incidents of extrajudicial killings and targeted violence against civilians. This pattern of state violence can be analyzed through various incidents, revealing the severity and frequency of these acts.
The US was the sole vote against the UN inquiry, and European countries abstained, as did India. The Gaza bombing was not the first and it is not the last as the violence of occupation continues in Palestine daily in the form of illegal settlements and killings.
international attention toward the conflict or lack thereof. Bilateral negotiations between the governing bodies of primary nations involved in the conflict are the ideal way out in such complex circumstances but the chances of that happening are almost negligible due to the massive inequality of status quo and power present between both Palestine-Israel and India-Kashmir.