Popular messaging platform Telegram has rolled out its first set of features for 2025, including third-party account verification. Previously, Telegram had a system in place for verifying high-profile individuals, but now it allows trusted third-party authorities, such as food quality regulators, to verify accounts. Verified accounts by third parties will now show a new logo instead of the traditional blue checkmark.
According to a blog post from the company, the additional verification system aims to reduce the spread of misleading content. Individuals or organizations wishing to get their accounts verified will need to submit an application through the verification process.
Additionally, Telegram has introduced a feature to turn gifts into NFTs. Users can send gifts using Telegram Stars, which can be purchased within the app, and exchange these NFTs for other items on various platforms. Telegram has also launched a new emoji reaction feature for messages, along with new search filters for private chats, group chats, and channels.