The deceiver doesn’t starve in the world of fools. Youth need to be practical and avoid daydreaming as it is vital for success and to prepare for future challenges.
The motivational speakers are bent to teach shortcuts to the society and showing them dream of preparing ‘Daig of Biryani’ from a grain of rice. The inspiration made the youth to feel an invisible power within them. As they would get up from this session right away and dominate the outside world. They would the CEO of a company within two weeks.
However, the youth when came out of dreaming world and faced reality, all their enthusiasm would sit like foam, while the one who told to prepare full ‘Daig of Biryani’ would stand for another lecture after receiving huge sum of money.
The people with the passage time, realized the reality that 90 percent of the motivational speeches are just ‘Khayali Pulao’, while the chances of success in the field are only percent, on the basis of merit and continuous effort…
Then came the revolution of digital media, freelancing, graphic designing, YouTube channels, those dreaming of becoming millionaires came into the field. Azad Chaiwala, Ashraf Chaudhry and others like them took their subscribers to millions by luring them with hundreds of shortcuts and the learners only kept dreaming.
At present, more than half of the youth have been made psychological by these people by luring them to become millionaires with a single touch of a mobile.
Dreaming for development is not bad, but ignoring reality is extremely disastrous. There is nothing like what these course providers tell you that just get a mobile and internet package and money will be at your feet…
As a result of it, everyone started to understand that as soon you learned graphic designing, the dollars will start pouring down… As soon you will create the YouTube channel, it will be monetized… Those who undergone the content writing course started realizing that they will be now able to create masterpieces as Harry Potter did and people will be waiting for them in queue to acquire their services.
However, the reality is completely different from it. The skill you learnt is already learnt by millions of people in the field and waiting for a job.
Earlier, there were hundreds of writers having thousands of readers. Now there are a thousand writers, but the number of readers is less than a hundred. Everyone has their own channel and their own page, so where did the audience in millions come from?
Despite creating a website, YouTube channel, Facebook page, there is a long journey that has to be completed. Divine bird sits one’s head among million and he goes viral overnight.
Learning digital skills is vital in the current era but stay away from those who show you the venue of daydreaming as reality is somewhat different from reality.
“Online earning” is not as easier as you are told, but you can choose it as an additional source of income.
This is an air livelihood which can’t be helpful to nurture a family. Learn a skill that will truly become your identity, that will be truly helpful in difficult times, that you can have a certificate for. Realize the fact the fate can be changed with single touch of mobile but you struggle and work hard to make your fate instead.