Through under mentioned example we can learn to make any society strong and giving them opportunity to take risk can be helpful for development and shaping a self-reliant society.
There is a lever under the pilot’s seat even in the most expensive fighter jets. As the pilot feels that there is no possibility of saving the plane, he pulls this lever. The rockets under seat of the pilot throw the seat up. The cockpit glass shatters resulting in opening of the pilot’s parachute.
No pilot across the globe would happily press this lever but he makes his all out efforts to save a valuable machine. He is well aware of the fact that by falling to the ground, not only will the machine be destroyed, but he can also cause some loss of life and property. Jumping from a plane itself is a dangerous task. If he does not recover, his body can be cut off from the plane after the rockets are fired. Often pilots break their collarbones.
This is a force of 9g that he faces. A common man loses consciousness at 4g. But they are trained. Every air force in the world says that it is not the machine that is valuable, but their trained pilot. If the pilot lands safely, tomorrow he will be flying the plane somewhere else. If there is an accident, they would be deprived of machine besides the career and life of a trained pilot.
This way of return is the right of every human being. Narrow-minded people and narrow-minded societies, don’t value human life. They do not give anyone a way of return. In such societies, people do not take risks. Because it becomes very difficult to respond to failure after failure. Such societies are backward and will continue to remain backward.
If you want to strengthen your society, then give your brothers, sisters, friends, relatives and the rest of the people the power to make their own lives and decisions. You need not to make someone’s failure a punishment for them. Do not make it difficult for them to return and meet others. Make each other realize that humans are more valuable. Value humans and humanity. This same value can pull us out of backwardness and make humanity rise to the top tomorrow.