Abdul Ghaffar Bugti
The unheared story of the owner of rich landscape of Bugti tribe is to be heared by the ruling class. Bugti have been living in Dera Bugti, which is been named after tribe. it was tribal area before 1980s.Ahmdan khan Bugti passed the bail to make it District. The discovery of Sui has at Ayoub era was considered to the upheaval of tribe . but tribe had remained same economically. few local were haired the job at the fourth class positions like helper and line man in the gas company. Then another four gas companies discovered, conseqtively , the decades of 1980s, 90 .that were including Pirkoh, Zain Koh Loti, Uch and Toba. those companies were the charged of OGDCL, that was semi government company. That boost the economy of the tribe but at certain limit, because of the limited skill in tribe, forced the people to do the same jobs which were being given by the Pakistan petroleum limited during the Sui gas discovery. Furthermore, mostly the land of the tribe were cultivated based on natural water sources like natural jashmis and rain. And the cultivated land economy were control of the tribal. Chief on the role of the tribe. So and so for the main economic sources have reminded the jobs of the gas companies, then people started education and went for technolical and for. Graduation degrees to the Karachi, because the PPl was alloted the few seats on their jat which was there to bring PPl Offical from Karachi to dera bugti and brought them back.then tribal chief Akbar Khan Bugti got more attention by the federal because of his intellectual and political line moreover belongings to the rich landscape. He remained in different positions including the chief minister and governor of Balochistan. But his main focus were less to improve the lives of the tribe.might afraid of his position. At the end of century, he fought the war with his tribe part, kalper bugtis.because they were supporter of Pakistan peoples party. And he lost his son in that war. Then his intention were changed from tribe. His main focused remaind the federal politics. Tribe lives remained the same. Because there were not any quality education among them. Turn to the century his tag war had been started with general Musharraf. And lost his life after conducting great operation by military. That operation sent the tribe live far away. They had been forced to migrant from the dera bugti. And majority of their jobs were dismissed by the companies on agencies based report which were that their participation against state narrative and fought with military, some allegations were might right but mostly were scarificed from their economomic scourse just being bugti. Then military took them back but jobs were not given them back and mostly were retired from their services, but new lords were not appointed on the based the agreement of Akbar Khan Bugti with general Ayoub. But tribe serived, but more then sixty percent of tribe is still living life’s under the line of poverty.after operation new political men emerged with in tribe one of main figure was sarfraz Ahmed Bugti. Who’s currently serving the chief minister Ship of Balochistan. He also promised on many places but didn’t reached the place to make the lives the better then before of the tribe. And during PML(N) 2013 government gave hope to the tribe in the form of kechi kanal ,because that was going to make able the large space of the tribal land to be cultivated.but none, that is still pending. No progress has happened since 2015.at moment Dera Bugti gives five billion rupees to the state but the response of the state is trafeing, literacy rate of the ttibe is below the twenty percent, women literacy is lowest to all over the country.educational infstruscted is totally worsening. Building were broken during military operation have not been recovered by the provensional government. Teachers vacancies are mostly vacant. Female are dying due to the absence of the gynlogosite in the district. Government building are showing the image of the building of old kingdom. Roads are their worst condition. And the public spaces are covered by the frontier corps. People don’t have private space to enjoy. No parks for kids to play. No Offical ground is been made by the government for youth. Some effort been put by FC for encouragement of youth participation in sports.only thirty percent have access to the clean water. Gas is available to the few hundred homes which are around by the gas companies other than people are burning wood to sustain their lives. Government is need to take serious step to make the better condition of lives of the bugtis.needed to make the road infrstutre of the district and reopen the schools and have to make libraries in the town area. Focus the health condition towards progress .make available water for them. Save their women lives which are dying on the roadside due to the delivery cases.country cannot progress without the equal opportunities to the every citizens. If state still hides their eyes from the issues of the tribe. Probably that day is not forway trible people would again be used by the state against apertures .policsy maker needed to visit the area and make the list of the places which needed to be improved for the betterment of the tribe.