These days the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly session is discussing the budget used by the caretaker government in 2023-24 and it will have been passed by the time these lines are published. In which the government and opposition members are repeatedly criticizing the expenses approved by the caretaker government and resorting to various clauses of the constitution in this regard and also saying that the previous caretaker government was unconstitutional.
That came for three months but spent eight months, so the approved budgets are also illegal and it needs to be handed over to NAB and other investigating agencies, while the finance minister has assured that the government will investigate the matter.
A special committee will be formed for this, but despite this, we will have to pass this controversial budget to run the system. On the other hand, the opposition also supports the investigation of the caretaker government’s budget, but they justify the giving of jobs and other measures by the caretaker government supported by them.
Yesterday when the run of demand grants started, an interesting situation arose in the House when the government MPA, Mushaq Ahmed Ghani said that he proposed a cut motion on the demand for grants on the demands of the Chief Minister because the caretaker government In other cases, including May 9, filed cases against Tehreek-e-Insaf workers and harassed them, on which opposition MPA, Sobia Shahid sarcastically said that she is also with Mushtaq Ahmad Ghani but demands that the accused of May 9 be punished who attacked Radio Pakistan, targeted Colonel Sher’s statue and damaged government property.
On which Mushtaq Ghani said that the matter of May 9 is separate from the movement of this deduction, I demand that deduction be made as a token protest so that these departments remember, what is the result of targeting a democratic worker? however the provincial finance minister. requested him to withdraw his cut motion to which he said that he would give an assurance from the government that the matter would be referred to the committee on which the minister finance said he would try to, while Mushtaq Ghani said that the minister-designate should not shuffle but give assurance, on which the opposition members beats the desks for him. On this occasion, Speaker Babar Saleem said that he is supporting you because you are doing his work today. Later on Mushtaq Ghani said that I withdraw all my cut motions for deduction without and left right, on which the house made laughter’s.
On this occasion, the opposition parties also disagreed with each other, that is, all the political parties continued to declare the actions of the previous caretaker government as unconstitutional, but at the same time, they continued to oppose each other for their own purposes. The Pakistan People’s Party maintained its historical position on the issue of the Constitution. When the opposition leader of the Muslim League (N) Dr. Ibad said that the actions of the caretaker government were not unconstitutional but correct according to Article 254, Ahmad Kundi of the People’s Party disagreed While doing this, he said that according to the constitution, these measures were correct, but it is called bad practice in the constitution, which should not be in a democratic system.
The bottom line of the above discussion is that despite the differences between the opposition and the government, if they want, they can come together for the promotion of democratic values, but this is also possible when these differences and agreements are purely political instead of political point scoring to run on democratic basis but if all these should be done for sack of democracy in not then it will mean that no one is trying for the strength of the state or democracy but everyone cares about their ego and the interests of the party leadership. In fact, it is a compulsion to approve the funds spent by the caretaker government from the house, so there is a sour and sweet tip between both parties, but it has to be seen whether the government really forms an investigation committee for this or not it’s a another big question.