The capital of Pakistan is one of the stunning city in the world, it’s also called the heart of the country for its pleasant weather and beautiful environment. It’s also the city of rulers, those running the government but now a days the establishment, law enforcement agencies and local police of the city are failed to control the snatchings and other crimes in the capital.
According to the official data the population of the capital city Islamabad is not more than 1.109 million but its crime rate is very high then it’s population, in presence of batter resources, as compare to the other provincial capitals of the country.
According to the reports this year in the first week of July, there were many reported crimes, including mobile snatching, carjacking’s, robberies and auto thefts.
In the previous year, there were 11,271 reported crimes, including 2,604 robberies, 1,398 snatchings, 885 burglaries, and 1,849 thefts. Some factors that contribute to the crime rate in Islamabad includes Poverty and High unemployment. The inflation rates, as well as a fractured political system, have led to millions of people falling into poverty. A direct relationship exists between the crime rate and unemployment rate in Pakistan.
When unemployment is high, the potential gains from illegal activities are greater, which can lead to more illegal activity. According to media reports more than 4o mobile phones were snatched from people, mostly at gunpoint, during the last week in the different areas of the capital, most of them at gunpoint.
The data gathered by media this week, the city police also registered dozens of cases including robbers and snatching cases as well as over three cases of kidnapping were reported to different police stations in the same period.
The vehicles stolen by the carjackers from the jurisdiction of different police stations include cars and motorbikes. During the period under review, criminal gangs were most active within the limits of Karachi Company, Kohsar, Tarnol, Khanna, Industrial Area, Lohi Bher, and Shehzad Town police stations.
In the same period, armed persons, auto thieves stole eight motorbikes from the limits of Lohi Bher police station motorbikes from the jurisdiction of Aabpara police station, motorbikes from the jurisdiction of Karachi Company police station, five from the limits of Tarnol police station as well as another four motorbikes from the limits of Shehzad Town station.
During the last week, unidentified armed persons snatched eight mobile phones, auto thieves stole six motorbikes, and robbers struck at five places in the limits of Karachi Company police station, another seven cases of carjacking, cases of mobile theft, and one case of robbery were reported to Kohsar Town police station, armed persons snatched seven mobile phones and auto thieves stole five bikes from the limits of Tarnol police station and cases of mobile phone snatching, three cases of robbery and four cases of car theft were reported to Khanna police station.
Similarly, last week, armed persons snatched seven mobile phones and auto thieves stole two bikes as well as two cars from the limits of the Industrial Area police station. Car lifters stole eight bikes from the limits of Lohi Bheer police station.
These figures are very high according sensitivity of the federal capital and its linked city Rawalpindi, now a day the capital police is busy with protesting workers of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf but it’s not an excuse for the law enforcement agencies and the local police. Actually it is the primary duty of all the relevant government institutions to play their role to overcome on the reburies and mobile and car snatchings to save the citizens from such culprits.
If the capital establishment should failed again to maintain peace in the city then the self-assurance of the citizens on government will be more deteriorate.