Teacher’s role in uniting the young students is crucial, especially in the current scenarios. As the backbone of the education system, teachers play a significant part in shaping the minds of future generations.
As well educators, they have the power to promote unity, diversity, and inclusivity among students in the institutions. In Pakistan, where diversity is a strength, teachers can play a vital role in uniting the young nation by promoting a sense of shared identity and determination.
The slogan “Hum Sub Ka Pakistan” accentuates the importance of unity and inclusivity among all Pakistanis, regardless of their background, culture, language, creed and caste. This slogan promotes a sense of shared ownership and responsibility among citizens, encouraging them to work together for a common goal in the embrace of “HUM SAB KA PAKISTAN”
In these days, overall, the current situation prevailed in the country, the educated new generation is worried about his carrier due to lack of job opportunities in the country. Because, their thought is only the job seeker not creator.
Most of them left the country for seeking the job abroad. A few of them is utilized their mind in other negative /wrong activities, which are against the national worth i.e dangerous for the piayara homeland “Pakistan” so, at the present condition, only the teacher’s community is the hope and source of illumination to reduce the tension and can change the mindset of young students very well.
The student’s community from primary to higher secondary stage, which is the critical age level of the young blood and their turning point of sense, where they can change their viewpoint according to the provision of environment. At full puberty, the students have a capacity to absorb and negate the habits/things and they try to develop their mature thoughts and notionsin the class room milieu.
At higher secondary level, teachers regularly utilized their thirty minutes in the class room to deliver the real feelings of the sincerity and loyalty of their country for saving the future of young generation. It is fact, the students engross the guidelines of their teachers, whatever is delivered in the class rooms.
Teachers are the source of inspiration and allegiance for their students and students only listen and act upon the words of saying just like an essence of flowers of their teachers with keen interest and as such absorb talk are displayed throughout their life. True teachers always played a model role in the class rooms and the students adopt various styles in the form of communicative ideas, methodology of delivering lectures and sometimes personality of their teachers. No doubt a perfect teacher is a best guide and spiritual leader of their students and could play a role to change the diverse behaviour of students towards the unified approach and they worked day and night in protecting and making a prosper homeland with full loyalty and sincerity. Then the developing young nation will enfold in a single blossom.
Teachers play a vital role in uniting the nation by promoting values of unity, diversity, and inclusivity. By incorporating diversity and inclusion into the curriculum, using storytelling and narrative techniques, encouraging community service, fostering a positive and inclusive classroom environment, and providing opportunities for student reflection and feedback, teachers can promote national unity and contribute to a more harmonious and inclusive society. In conclusion, unity is essential for our success and prosperity. We must work together, respect each other’s differences, communicate effectively, and be inclusive.
Remember, unity is strength, and together, we can achieve great things and compete the world to cope the various new epoch challenges. The task of unity in the new generation of Pakistan would be completed through the loyal and motivational teachers of our institutions, when they felt and took their responsibility in true sense, then the new generation could move forward with honored way. PAKISTAN PAINDA BAD