Urban cities in Pakistan are grappling with a devastating air pollution crisis, as smog in winter and smoke in summer wreak havoc on the respiratory health of millions. The alarming rise in air pollution has become an unrelenting concern nationally and globally, with far-reaching
consequences for human health.
In particular, the twin threats of smog in winter and smoke insummer have emerged as significant detractors from humanoid respiratory healthiness. The toxic combination of particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and volatile organic compounds present in smog and smoke can trigger a cascade of respiratory problems in human. The toxic substances are emanating from vehicular emissions, industrial activities, and agricultural burning has transformed the country’s urban air into a hazardous stew. Resultantly, the populace of major cities like Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Sargodha and Multan are forced to breathe in poisonous air, leading to a surge in respiratory problems, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease like lung cancer and other life-threatening conditions.
This crisis demands urgent attention, and it is essential to investigate the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to mitigate the overwhelming impact of smog and smoke on the respiratory health of Pakistan’s urban population. Although, urban air pollution is not a single state problem, but now it is a global concern on the part of biosphere. So, the international community thought about this critical problem and combed out the better solution for saving the life of future generation on this planet. Various Sources are the root cause for the production of Smog in Winter and Smoke in Summer in Pakistan. Actually, the human beings are responsible for the production of smog and smoke in urban cities. e.g. unlimited burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas for energy production and hampered transportation releases bulk of pollutants into the air, which is major contributing in smoke and smog formation into the atmosphere. Secondly, industrial activities such as chimneys of bakeries, textile manufacturing, steel production, and cement production release pollutants into the air, contributing to smog and smoke. Thirdly, emissions of smoke from chimneys of furnace oil electricity production plants and brick kilns. Fourthly, wildfires, often caused by lightning or human activity, release large amounts of pollutants into the air, contributing to smoke. Moreover, the frequently burning of crop residues and other agricultural waste contributes to smoke in winter and summer.
The fifth one is the rapid increase in vehicle population in urban cities of Pakistan has led to a significant rise in vehicle emissions, which contribute to smog and smoke. The last important source is the lack of effective waste management systems in urban cities of Pakistan and leads to the burning of waste, which contributes to smog and smoke in the atmosphere. Long-term exposure to smog and smoke can increase the risk of respiratory disorder in the human population of the urban cities. Especially, the particulate matter (PM) in smog and smoke can penetrate deep into the lungs, causing inflammation and damage to lungstissues. The gas, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in smog and smoke can exacerbate respiratory conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema. In addition, volatile
organic compounds (VOCs) and ozone (O3) in smog and smoke can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat, and can also deteriorate the respiratory system and sometimes cause a severe infection in the lungs of human body.
When the public of our country adopted some suggestions with core responsibility, then we can cope the problems of smoke and smog for the best survival of life in the urban cities e.g., avoid unnecessary mobility as a single person on his own car or any type of vehicle etc. Meanwhile, if necessary, then used public transport and walking, or cycling practices are better for neat and clean environment of healthy life in big cities.
These activities can reduce vehicle emissions and a responsible citizen can contribute much to clean the atmospheric air. Secondly, carefully using energy-efficient appliances and turning off lights and electronics, when not in use can reduce energy consumption and lesser emissions. Thirdly important one to avoid burning fossil fuels, wood, or other materials, as this can release pollutants into the air. Lastly, using the air purifiers to remove pollutants and particulate matter from the air and improving indoor air quality. It is a truth, “prevention is better than cure” our nation if acted upon this quotation in true sense then people will enjoy their lives with good health. A few preventions are hereby mentioned for sharing to the community of Pakistan, regarding the season, in summer for smoke and winter for smog i.e Wearing compulsory masks of every citizen, it can help filter out pollutants and particulate matter from the air and reducing the risk of respiratory problems. Without any reason could not move outside and tried to stay indoors, when air quality is poor. This practice can help to reduce exposure of pollutants and particulate matter. Moreover, it is necessary to monitor air quality indexes and following health advisories can help individuals take important precautions to protect their health. Possible Solutions: first one important possible solution for the stake holders of the country is that: the conversion of conventional energy sources like fossil fuels etc into solar and wind power energy to reduce the air pollution. Secondly, improving fuel efficiency/quality in vehicles and industries to reduce emissions and decrease air pollution.
Thirdly, introducing and implementing emissions standards for industries and vehicles to reduce emissions and decrease air pollution. Fourthly, developing green belts/ spaces in old and new urban cities schemes, then we achieve the goal to purify the air and reduce air pollution. Lastly,
it is the duty of public and private organizations stakeholders to take serious efforts in the form of campaign for raising awareness through amphlets in national and regional languages, to held seminars and walks about the causes and detrimental effects of air pollution. The educated
person of our country helped in this national cause to encourage the individuals for their contribution in reducing air pollution and save environment for our future generation. PAKISTAN PAINDA BAD