MARDAN: The worst loadshedding of needle gas continues in Mardan,Due to lack of needle gas, citizens are forced to buy liquidity petroleum gas (LPG) gas cylinders,In the morning children are forced to go to school without breakfast,Consumers despite the heavy bills payment Department failed to supply Sui gas,Citizens have demanded immediate notice from the concerned authorities,
According to details, due to unannounced loadshedding in different areas of Mardan, Sui Gas is facing severe problems in the domestic affairs of consumers due to complete shutdown in the morning, afternoon and evening.Sui gas officials have failed to provide relief to citizens On which citizens have serious concern.In this regard, citizens said that the federal government and the provincial government
In order to make the supply of needle gas, immediate relief should be taken to take steps.Citizens have demanded that relief be provided by eliminating unannounced load shedding Otherwise,the streets will be forced to protests