Today, our society under the threat of unrelenting and fabric type issue that has been hiding in plain sight but in reality, it is camouflaging as a harmless distinction, but with the passage of time, it happens in the form of ticking time bomb that jeopardize on the current waver type harmony and humanity of the today’s society. Of course, about the binary opposition between sentiments and instances. These two binomial thoughts of the people in the society, which are dangerous for the harmony of the society i.e sentiments vs instances. The emotional vigilantism in a society is the main risk in the culture, because the practices of the common people in a society, himself taking an action unofficially and emphasize that they prevent the crime and sometimes to catch the person and punish him by believing himself, he is a criminal. Where no doubt facts are sacrificed at the altar of feelings, and nuanced discussions are reduced to simplistic, binary debates in the society. Commonly, the practice of sentiments over instances are increased in the general public and it has become dangerous and hostile to upset the harmony of society. The sentiments, which refer to the emotional and intuitive responses to a situation, often cloud our judgment and lead to misconstrued interpretations of instances, which are specific events or occurrences in the daily life. The spreading of mis-information among the people, actually it is the cause of escalation of conflicts and these antagonistic consequences are developed due to conflation of sentiments and instances, thus the erosion of trust among the individuals and communities in little instance. Moreover, a blending or fusing together of many elements just like sentiments over instances has been exploited by demagogues and ideologues, who use emotional manipulation to mobilize support for their agendas, often at the expense of marginalized communities and vulnerable individuals. Apparently, between sentiments and instances, there are harmless difference in these dual views but their aftershocks are very dangerous. Sentiments are the emotional responses to the world around the society, while instances are the specific events or occurrences that trigger those responses in short time. Solution: Firstly, the people need to recognize the distinction between sentiments and instances. It is the essential for individuals to understand the timely emotions are valid, but they’re not always a reliable guide to the truth. Secondly, it is the need of the time to develop a culture of critical thinking and to learn with separate the emotions from the facts. Moreover, every person of the society feels their responsibility to evaluate evidence with keen objective, and to engage in nuanced and respectful discussions. Thirdly, it is more proactive to hold the leaders and the media accountable for promoting a culture of fact-based discourse. Finally, it is concluded that, the binary opposition between sentiments and instances is a peril to societal harmony. It’s a threat to our humanity, our empathy, and our ability to engage in constructive dialogue. PAKISTAN PAINDA BAD