A unique paper-based battery has been developed by experts, which is claimed to revolutionize the way energy is used and stored.
A Singapore-based company, Flint, has claimed that its battery is the world’s most environmentally friendly, which could help address environmental issues. According to the company, current systems used to store energy are harmful to the environment.
Flint has stated that the lifespan of their paper battery is similar to traditional lithium batteries, but it is much lighter, cheaper, and can be used to power nearly every electronic device. The revolutionary battery technology was designed with environmental sustainability in mind.
The paper battery uses a piece of paper with hydrogel inside, enabling it to be used in devices that typically require lithium batteries. The prototype model of this battery was introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, and the company expects significant interest in this technology.
The company has raised $2 million in investments to commercially produce the paper batteries. Flint has indicated that they are ready to launch this technology in the market, and conversations are underway with over 20 companies for its commercial production.
The company has also highlighted that their batteries address factors that traditional technologies lack, believing that this paper-based battery technology could transform the industry.