LAHORE: Rear Admiral Jawad Ahmed took charge as Commander Central Punjab (COMCEP) on Monday.
A change of command ceremony was held here at the Walton Naval Complex where Rear Admiral Azhar Mahmood handed over the command to the newly appointed Commander Central Punjab, said a press release issued by the Directorate General of Public Relations (Pak Navy).
Rear Admiral Jawad Ahmed was given a guard of honor and introduced to the staff officers of the COMCEP headquarters.
Rear Admiral Jawad Ahmed was commissioned into the Operations Department of the Pakistan Navy in 1992. He has had a distinguished career, holding a wide range of command and staff positions.
These include Personal Staff Officer of the Deputy Chief of Naval Staff, Commanding Staff at PN War College, Commanding Officer of PNS SAIF, Defense Attaché of Pakistan in Malaysia, Commander of Surface Task Group-3, Commandant of Pakistan Naval Academy, Commandant West at Gwadar, Hydrographer of Pakistan, Chairman PNSC, Deputy Chief of Naval Staff (T&P) and Director General C4I at Naval headquarters, he further stated.
The Admiral is a graduate of PN War College Lahore, Command and Staff College Bangladesh and National Defense University Islamabad. He was awarded the Hilal-e-Imtiaz (Military) in recognition of his meritorious services.
Pakistan Navy officers, CPOs, sailors and civilian personnel attended the ceremony.
COMCEP exercises authority over all units of the Pakistan Navy from Bahawalpur to Wazirabad and is also the Commandant of the Pakistan Naval War College, Lahore.