LAHORE: Planning and Development Board Punjab (P&D Board) Secretary Dr Asif Tufail has presided over a meeting with planning & development officers of P&D headquarter, divisions and districts to review the updated status of the Annual Development Programme (ADP) for financial year 2024–25.
According to P&D Board’s spokesman here Saturday, the secretary directed the officers to complete the approval process of all unapproved development schemes from the authorized forums ie DDC (District Development Committee), DDWP (Divisional Development Working Party), DDS (Decision Support System) and PDWP (Provincial Development Working Party) till July 31, 2024. He added that PC-I of all schemes should be uploaded on SMDP (Smart Monitoring of Development Projects) so that the funds could be released in time and transparency should be ensured.
Dr Asif Tufail directed that special care must be taken for the CM (Chief Minister) initiatives, and its approval and implementation should be done on priority. “The officers concerned should visit and observe the working on all development schemes to ensure transparency and merit in the implementation process,” he concluded