LOWER DIR: The prolonged drought in the entire district, including the Talash Valley, instead of growing in the fields, the seeds of wheat and other crops remained buried under the soil, farmers are worried, the threat of drought, and meteorological diseases began to spread. Public circles appealed to the countrymen to offer prayers for the rain of mercy. Due to the lack of rain for the past several months, the harmful effects of the drought began to appear. Despite the fact that farmers had sown the seeds of wheat and other crops in their fields several months ago, instead of growing, they dried up and were wasted due to lack of moisture in the soil. Due to the lack of rain for a long time, throat, chest, dry cough, runny nose, colds, fever, itching and other skin diseases began to spread. Due to the decrease in the water level, the amount of water in wells and springs began to decrease significantly. Public circles of the Talash Valley, Lower Dir have appealed to the government to offer prayers for rain at the official level