Pakistan is amongst those countries that are effected with climate change and floods during last three decades in which the flood of 2010, and in recent past the flood 2022 was very harmful. According to the official data these floods affected 33 million people in Pakistan and destroyed 897,014 houses and damaged another 1,391,467. 1,164,270 livestock have been killed, most of them in the province of Balochistan while destruction to 13,115 kilometers of roads and 439 bridges has impeded access across flood affected areas, that is the reason PM, Shehbaz sharif reminds the world in the ongoing Baku, COP29 summit that world shout fulfill their pledges that they promised with the climate effected countries like Pakistan.
According to PM “COP29 should make this understanding loud and clear that we will have to fulfil those financial pledges committed in COP27, COP28” the premier told the COP29 Climate Summit, in which around 200 nations are negotiating global action on climate change at the summit aimed at climate fund raising to help transition to clean energy and adaptation to a warmer world.
The prime minister is very keen about the summit. Therefor he said “I would not want other countries to face the plight Pakistan faced back in 2022. Pakistan is a resilient, hard-working and responsible nation. We are fully committed to being part of the global climate solutions, as the minus one emitters, we should not brave the impact of emissions realized by others without even the tools to finance resilience. Without climate justice, there can be no real resilience”.
It is remember those payments for effected countries begins in 2020 but were only fully met in 2022. The $100 billion pledge expires this year. Countries are negotiating a higher target for payments starting next year but some have been reluctant to confirm its size until it is clear which countries will contribute. Instead they are circling around the idea of a multi layered target with a core amount from wealthy countries’ government coffers and a larger sum that includes financing from other sources such as multilateral lending institutions or private investors.
In the past public money made up the bulk of contributions to the $100 billion goal. Climate change has accelerated globally as human activities mainly, burning fossil fuels have heated up the planet’s long term average temperature by around 1.3°C turbocharging disastrous floods hurricanes and extreme heatwaves.
According to scientists next year’s UN deadline for countries to update their national climate plans is the last opportunity to avert disaster. Negotiators have said a failure at COP29 to produce a major funding deal could result in countries offering weak climate plans on the grounds that they cannot afford to implement more ambitious ones.
Most of the world’s climate friendly spending so far has been skewed towards major economies such as China and the US. Meanwhile, Africa’s 54 countries received just 2% of global renewable energy investments over the last two decades and Pakistan is also waiting for huge amount to help their effected masses.
It is good omen that prime minister is very serious about the climate changes in the country and he is fighting for the rights of the effected nation. Therefor when he will came back then he will also give instructions to high up’s to make a comprehensive plan for the floods effected areas of the country, because when the said add would come to Pakistan then it will be easy for the government to spend that amount on wellbeing of those peoples who lost their home livestock and all livelihood in 2022 floods. If the prime minister could succeed in bringing add to country then it will be count in one of his great step for the betterment of the flood effected areas that will be remember as PMLM government’s prodigious achievement.