Pakistan islamic medical association ( PIMA) KPK decide to come on ground to sort out the problems health sector and public is facing due to ill policy making of govt .
PIMA assign task to its sector ” Doctors advocacy committee” to contact all doctors association on 20 Nov and allied health association on 26 Nov to plan for organized movement.
Peshawar ( ) here in Peshawar in press conference headed by prof. Dr zulfiqar durrani ( incharge doctors advocacy committee) , Dr Akbar ( spokesperson pima kpk) , Dr daniyal and Dr basir members doctors advocacy committee announce their plan of action for sorting out doctors and all health related issues .
” More than 7000 doctors are jobless neither is no any job advertised since 2019, young doctors are in severe mental crises and so a mega brain drain is running out ” Dr zulfiqar added …
“Health care commission heavy taxation all beside FBR,TMA,PMDC and many more taxation as well as political infiltration in boards ,management council and public private partnership is major distarious decision that we have decided to resist at any cost now” dr akbar , spokesperson PIMA kpk
doctors advocacy committee announce to finalize and announce their final strategy at IST December after metting all doctors origination on 20th Nov and then all axillary health association on 26nov and on ist December from professor to class IV the mega momentum will be announced .
Till then, we request govt to step back the privitazaion , political infiltration and many more issues makeing services delivery almost impossible in hospitals .
There is no security at all inside the hospitals , facilities and fund are diverted to sehat insaf card that isdoing minimum serive provision and maximum corruption foundation . Dr daniyal and Dr baseer added .
In the end , PIMA’s doctors advocacy committee suggest the union of journalist to hold a symposium on health and education Reforms in press club and invite all sectors of the society to clear about who is who and what is what .