Some of the economists says that our economy is now moving towards stabilization and the government led experts has been claiming that the economy is improving but these claims are not being transferred to the citizens or the figures being brought forward are probably unrealistic and taken from a very short market.
Infect that situation raises the question of how a country can be run effectively without reliable statistics. If a brief overview of Pakistan’s national statistical system is given, its 2023 report states that the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, which has the mandate to collect data and statistics in addition to coordinate statistical activities in the provinces are some of its key activities. Performs such as census of population, housing and livestock and issuing census-based surveys. Apart from that, along with the four provincial statistical institutes, FBR (Federal Board of Revenue), Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) and State Bank of Pakistan including various ministries and departments at the federal then provincial levels there are also a number of government agencies that also produce data.
In fact a major problem in the country’s data collection environment is that these agencies often lack uniformity in data collection methods. Inconsistent standards inadequate training of personnel, limited access to modern technologies and inadequate financial resources undermine their ability to collect reliable information and data.
This fragmented approach has ultimately weakened informed policy-making in the country, which is why money gets wasted in the system and the public is not even allowed to tap into it and so does inflation or non-availability of facilities. Because of this, they are living a very poor life. Due to this poor situation there is also a danger that these flaws can be exacerbated by political motives as the data can be manipulated by political biases to artificially present the facts and distort the facts on the ground.
The possibility increases and unfortunately the country is facing a similar situation or the lack of uniformity and consistency in provincial statistical institutions can lead to potentially serious inconsistencies. Estimates can be made by estimating population estimates in the country.
Although the Statistics Department is tasked with conducting the census every decade, periodic updates are provided by the Provincial Boards of Statistics, which may result in inconsistent quality of data collection methods in which mistakes should happen. This is particularly worrisome because population data is the basis for many economic indicators according to Chief Statistician Dr. Zafar, therefore inaccuracies in population data can lead to significant errors in economic analyzes and policy decisions, which ultimately hinders better allocation of resources at the federal and provincial levels.
So there is the need for a standardized system is highlighted. Another challenge highlighted here is the enormous amount of data being generated in our digital age. This is very important because managing, analyzing and deriving meaningful insights from this large volume of information requires sophisticated tools and expertise in which Pakistan is still lagging behind.
Decision makers will be overburdened, resulting in confusion and inefficient strategies. Pakistan clearly needs to enhance and modernize its various statistical institutions so that they are adequately funded, Equipped with the latest technologies and necessary training for effective data collection and analysis. Further, standardization of data collection methods, implementation of strict quality control measures, private sector to leverage expertise.
Collaboration with sector organizations and academic institutions and increased coordination between different government agencies to share data and best practices can help create a robust statistical framework that supports informed policy-making and sustainable development. Therefore, the state needs to update its data system very honestly on modern lines, otherwise we will continue to shoot arrows in the air.