Defence Minister Khawaja Asif said on Thursday that there has been no danger of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan’s launch. Speaking to media out of doors the Parliament House, Asif said: “It is likewise not likely that Imran Khan will get alleviation as of now. The PTI is making complete efforts to keep away from staging its upcoming protest on November 24.” “Both political and navy leaderships are moving the united states’s subjects forward. We will not permit any province’s assault at the center at any price.” Asif asserted, “Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur is conserving talks with the status quo considering day one.” “Anything can occur inside the united states’s political panorama; there are still days left earlier than the PTI’s protest,” he said. Asif maintained, “The federal government can provide the permission of staging the protest, but an attack at the middle will now not be allowed in any respect.” He stated, “The lobby underway in the desire of the PTI founder. The PTI employees are indulged within the investment for the foreign foyer and harming the us of a.” Asif schooled India for backing the terrorists, announcing, “Afghanistan is being used for the terrorists.”