Human development actually is based on the Character development and it is a critical aspect of human virtues, swaying an individual’s values, attitudes, and behaviors in daily life. The motherchild association plays a fundamental role in the formation of character development, particularly from the age of childhood to adolescence. Mother-child attachment is a strong predictor of character development. A protective attachment provides a sustainability for healthy emotive guidelines, communal services, and ethical development.
The teen age is a serious period of evolution in the growth period of youth and significantly noticeable by physical activities, emotive wishes, and social vicissitudes. During this stage, the youth begin to form their own identities with linked their full of wishes, develop their cultural values and move and adopt their faith. This the time to establish and set their senses towards the purpose and direction of life.
Now the mother-child strong interaction only plays a profound role in shaping and developing the strong faithful character of their children according to the code and conduct of Islamic as well as Pakistani laws. A caring, heartfelt, and amenable mother-child relationship is important for encouraging strong character development, including the formation of
compassion, self-responsive attitude and honest values.
The mother-child interaction provides a model for relationships and social interactions. Youth learn how to interact with others, how to communicate effectively, and how to resolve conflicts by observing and imitating their mothers’ behavior. The mother-child interaction influences an adolescent’s sense of self-worth and identity. A supportive and loving mother-child relationship helps adolescents develop a positive sense of self, which is essential for healthy character development. Conversely, a dysfunctional or strained mother-child relationship can have lasting negative consequences on an adolescent’s character, leading to increased aggression, anxiety, and impulsivity.
This highlights the critical importance of examining the mother-child interaction and its impact on character development during adolescence, a period of significant vulnerability and opportunity. Moreover, the strong family bonding effects on the grooming and making the personality of the children with pack of good human traits.
The few suggestions are hereby framed for the parents to adopt for the better development of their children personality. They become a responsible citizen of Pakistan and served as a nation of homeland and for the brighter Pakistan in present and future: i.e., Mothers should strive to establish a supportive, warm, and responsive relationship with their adolescent children.
This means being available, listening actively, and showing physical affection. Secondly, mothers should adopt an authoritative parenting style, which balances warmth and responsiveness with clear boundaries and expectations. This helps adolescents develop selfregulation skills, responsibility, and independence. Thirdly, parents, educators, and policymakers should prioritize programs and interventions that promote healthy mother-child relationships and character development in adolescents.
This could include parenting classes, mentorship programs, and community-based initiatives. It is concluded that, the mother-child interaction is a critical factor in shaping an adolescent’s character development. By promoting healthy motherchild relationships and supporting positive character evelopment, we can help our adolescents become compassionate, responsible, well-rounded individuals who are equipped to succeed in life and compete the world in every field of life. PAKISTAN PAINDA BAD