Almost each and every woman opposes the second marriage of her husband. They even threat to split their ways in case of second marriage of their husbands.
However, today we will tell the women that the first wife gets more comfort in case of second marriage of her husband than the husband himself. They will be surprised how it can happen. But, the women just have to show little patience and tolerance to enjoy these comforts.
When husbands enter in second marriages, the women get the opportunity to rest at their own will. They have ample time for visiting their parents’ home. There is no tension for them. What will happen to the husband? Who will feed him? Who will prepare his clothes? Men are saved from forbidden relationships, forbidden deeds, and wasting money in forbidden places. According to the structure created by Allah for women, they get rest even monthly. Instead of becoming a housewife, she can focus on many other tasks and courses at home. Due to endless work and taking care of children, the health of women… ends in 35 years. Neither external beauty remains. Nor inner beauty. They become victims of obesity and other diseases. They cannot perform prayers and other acts of worship with consistency.
Such women do not get enough time to please their Allah. And behind all this. What is the thinking behind it? The husband should be mine only. The husband is yours. This insecurity that has become a disease. This…She does not let me take the reins, she does as I wish. She should do everything after asking me. Etc. And did not Allah know the thoughts that are going on in the hearts and minds of today’s women?
When Allah has taught in the Quran… and ordered the Messenger of Allah and his companions and those who came after them… rather, in Turkey, Iran, Arab countries… Egypt, Syria, Algeria, it is common for men to have more than one wife till today. I am telling you about their era.
Today’s woman, who is a victim of the propaganda of Jews and Hindus… she herself has become an enemy of women… How many poor virgins, widows and divorced girls are growing old sitting at home. But the sedition that most women have spread is that the woman is very sad that her husband is with someone else. Look at their era. 60% of the world is women and 40% is men. Look at the number of women in every house… By obstructing the system of Allah, society is heading towards destruction and ruin. This same woman also cries over the forbidden affairs of men. Allah has made more than one marriage for the physical needs of men. During the time of the Companions, when the Companions were martyred in large numbers in battles and jihad, even then… those who were widows would have difficulty completing their Iddat at home… and they would receive marriage messages from two or three places. Today’s women themselves have made everything difficult for them.