LAHORE: The Lahore High Court (LHC) on Monday directed all schools to register within a month.
Justice Shahid Karim of the LHC was conducting the hearing on the petitions filed for consideration of anti-smog measures.
The judge ordered the schools to get serious about the busing issue.
Justice Shahid Karim observed that private schools mint a lot of money but do not provide many facilities to the students.
During the hearing, the judge said that there is an urgent need to survey all roads as the traffic situation is alarming.
He ordered the deregistration of private schools for not implementing the policy of providing buses to students.
The Secretary of the Department of School Education said that the implementation falls under the jurisdiction of the Department of Higher Education.
Later, the court ordered all schools to register within a month.
The hearing was later adjourned until the end of the winter break.
Earlier, the LHC made the registration of new schools conditional on the school bus policy.
“Each school will have to adopt this policy and teams have been formed to certify bus fitness,” the judge noted.