‘Jigra’, a far-awaited movement picture by Vasan Bala, Anirudh Chawla, and Rashid Mubarak with Alia Bhatt in the lead didn’t meet expectations, making it one of the lowest appearing films of Bollywood diva. Despite being best approximately 2 months in theaters, the movie is competing in opposition to the field workplace by being labelled as not suitable enough. The movie hit the theaters on eleventh October 2024 and has been within the top news for its secrecy and acting, however, it isn’t only a success but also a fire of debates and dissatisfaction about its business achievement. There are not any extra indicators of the film being well-preferred by way of the public, it turned into launched on October 11, 2024, and people were not inquisitive about it, which become also a factor of complaint. The plot revolves around Alia, who performs the individual of a sister who’s tremendously bold to leave domestic to find and shop her brother. The Wandering Lives is a story of a circle of relatives that is so tied by way of the trauma they have experienced that it’s miles impossible to sever the binds. Andreas Scholm develops as he tells extra testimonies of encounters and adventures. The issue that was first said through the film’s director Vasan Bala. He even used these very precise words to explain what the submit-manufacturing enhancing of the movie can be his obligation. During an interview, he mentioned the trouble of the movie on the box office, and advised them to look for the cause of the hassle, with the aid of saying “Something has befell wherein human beings have stayed away.” Bala C. Needed to pass. Before its release, the film become on the center of numerous difficulties. Consequently, Vasan Bala made the news for his altercations with Karan Johar after the previous made a few feedback about the script’s alterations. The movie also confronted plagiarism allegations via actress Divya Khossla who claimed that it changed into a copied version of her paintings. In the background of the opposite problems, this trouble of the Bala film is set up. He deleted his money owed because the strain and stress had end up insufferable. As of the prevailing, the sales amassed through Jigra is round ₹27.30 crores. A parent this is quite decrease than the collection in a remake of the movie this is directed through one of the well-known Bollywood actresses. Critics have written that the preliminary 1/2 of the film is interestingly devised even as the second 1/2 of the film is stretched and desires a few modifying to hold the tempo.