Islamabad High Court judge, Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri, has declared writing “Advocate” on vehicle number plates illegal.
Speaking at a certificate distribution ceremony for the Islamabad High Court Bar Association lawyers, Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri recalled that Islamabad courts used to be located in Rawalpindi’s narrow streets. Lawyers had to postpone other cases when attending one court session, but today, they have the convenience of a dedicated court complex.
Justice Tariq expressed disappointment that many lawyers appear in court unprepared. He recalled that during his early years, preparing for a High Court case meant studying all night.
He further stated that he never sought recommendations for any position and earned his roles through hard work. He started his legal career from a simple setup and eventually became a confirmed High Court judge without seeking any referrals.
Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri emphasized that writing “Advocate” on vehicle number plates is against the law.