62-year-old Bollywood actress Poonam Dhillon became the victim of a robbery at her son’s house in Mumbai’s Khar area last week. According to Indian media reports, a painter working at the house stole a diamond necklace worth 100,000 Indian rupees, thousands in cash, and 500 US dollars.
Suspicion arose when Poonam’s son returned from Dubai and found the valuables missing. A search confirmed the theft. The actress’s son filed a police complaint, and the suspect, a painter named Sameer, was arrested on January 6. During questioning, Sameer confessed to the crime and revealed that he had used the stolen money to throw a party for his friends. Police later recovered the cash and US dollars from him.
Poonam Dhillon, known for her roles in films like “Red Rose,” “Dard,” “Romance,” and “Sohni Mahiwal,” is a well-known figure in the Indian film industry.