It is said that the great scientist Thomas Edison suffered aphonia (lost of speech) in his childhood due to high fever.
During his young age, one day when he returned from school, he gave his mother a sealed envelope that the teacher had given him with an advice to give it only to his mother.
When Edison’s mother opened and read the letter…..
Tears ran down his eyes and she read the letter in loud voice:
“Your son is extraordinary genius and this school is too small for him to learn anything. There are not enough good teachers here to teach him, so you should teach him yourself.”
Edison’s mother after receiving the letter of teacher, herself took the responsibility of teaching him.
The time went passing on and a day came years later, when Thomas Edison had become a famous scientist.
Mother of Edison had died and one day he was looking for something in his family’s old papers when he found the same letter.
As he opened the letter and read the text written on it, it was written:
“Your son is extremely stupid and mentally retarded… We can no longer keep him in school.”
That same day Edison wrote in his diary.
“Thomas Alva Edison was a mentally retarded child
But a great mother made him the greatest scientist of the century.”
No doubt, great mothers shape a great generation through their tireless efforts.