Timergara: Religious scholars and Quran memorizers (Huffaz) who graduate from seminaries bear a significant responsibility for the reformation of society. Along with modern education, it is essential for girls to acquire religious knowledge so that women can also play their role in societal reform. Imam Bukhari was a great personality and an exceptional figure. These views were expressed by renowned scholar Sheikh-ul-Hadith Maulana Hafiz Shaukat and the administrator of Jamia Farooqia, Khalid Yousafzai, while addressing a large ceremony at Jamia Farooqia, Haji Abad, marking the completion of Sahih Bukhari and the turban-tying (graduation) of 38 scholars and 24 Huffaz.
They said that Imam Bukhari was an extraordinary personality who compiled over 6,000 hadiths and authored the book “Sahih Bukhari,” containing 7,275 hadiths. It is said that after Imam Bukhari’s death, the soil of his grave emitted a fragrance.The speakers highlighted that Palestinians, despite being under-equipped, used the strength of their faith to force Israel—backed by America and other powers—into a ceasefire. They urged the newly graduated scholars and Huffaz to utilize their abilities for societal reform and spread the light of knowledge. They mentioned that thousands of scholars and Huffaz have already graduated from Jamia Farooqia, Haji Abad. On this occasion, the graduating scholars and Huffaz were honored with the turban-tying ceremony.