Sukesh Chandrashekhar, arrested in 2015 for his involvement in multi-million rupee fraud cases, has apologized to Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez for the difficulties she faced due to the scandal. In a letter sent to Jacqueline before the release of her new film “Fateh,” Sukesh referred to her with affectionate names and wrote, “2025 is our year.” He promised to prove his love for her and present a big surprise to the world regarding their relationship, despite those who might consider him obsessive.
Sukesh, who has been in jail since his arrest, was investigated by the Enforcement Directorate for his involvement in criminal activities, and Jacqueline’s name came up during the inquiry. Sukesh had informed investigators that he had been dating Jacqueline, and leaked photos indicated they knew each other well. However, Jacqueline stated that Sukesh had presented himself as a law-abiding businessman and is now resorting to different tactics to threaten her.