Today materlistic norms are spreading rapidly in the society of Pakistan, which is very dangerous and known as social evil for the community. Modernism and materialism are two blended thoughts. But the new generations adopted more materlistic approach than modernism. Actually, the learning of modern and latest technology is a good thing and an optimistic shape of modernism thought. In spite of this collecting much more artificial things and adapting a costly life style is the shadow of excessive materialism and is considered by an overemphasis on getting and collecting much more than need. It has become a pervasive aspect of today so-called modern society. Although the need full materialistic status of individuals can provide comfort, convenience, and a sense of security but the excessive materialism can have far-reaching consequences for societal well-being. In recent days, entrepreneurial philosophy, the persistent quest of substantial possessions has become a defining characteristic of modern life. Society has become unbalanced due to the adaption of deluxe life styles to keep and purchase costly things in the form of latest appliances like gadgets, and their celebration is much more created disparity in the neighborhood marginalized community. However, underneath the lustrous disguise of materialistic success lies a more ominous in reality. Undue avaricious approach to collect much more things has become a threat to communal welfare, because it is rusting our sagacity of our national community. The greedy approach is destroying our environment and also damaging the cerebral and psychological human health. The characteristic of contemporary life and has been greeted as a symbol of success, prosperity, and happiness. But unfortunately, the extreme avarice of individuals is dangerous for the overall society in reality. Seeing the race of excessive materialism is created and promoted the social evils in the society like bribery. Although, we live in a world where the consistent expedition of material possessions has become an all-consuming passion due to constantly bombarded of commercials on screen about latest gadget, the newest fashion trend and most luxurious car, which all these things are considered as the key to happiness. The young generation is fully trapped in the wish of excessive materialism. We think increase of street crime in the big cities of Pakistan is one of the reasons of race of materialism among the society. Unfortunately, our nation measures their success on horizontal and vertical size of homes or buildings infrastructure, having costly cars, and to wear the brand clothes. In reality, the truth is that excessive materialism is not the key of community happiness and well beings. In fact, it is the reality of the nature that once our basic needs are met, additional wealth does not necessarily lead to greater happiness. Historically, this is a virtue of Islamic Ideology as well as the Easterlin paradox too. So, why do we continue to pursue material possessions with such fervor? One reason is that material possessions have become a symbol of status and success. The fascination with status and achievement comes at a great cost because it is a never-ending cycle of consumption of things, where the society are continuously determined for more and more and never satisfied with what we have. In reality, want of much more lead to destroy the mental and physical health and agitated pressure to keep up with the latest trends and the fear of missing things, ultimately affected badly on the whole family resided in the home. The community combat the excessive materialism approach by redefining their need and parameter of success. The community move away from the thought, which based solely on wealth and status, and changed their living standards only on the bases of happiness, Secondly, they need to encourage a sense of thankfulness and gratitude for what they already have. Finally, individuals need to take action to reduce their consumption and waste. For the peaceful and wellbeing life few solutions and recommendations are hereby suggested for the ideal society of Pakistan. First one, to encourage individuals to adopt mindful consumption practices, prioritizing needs over wants and considering the environmental and social impact of their purchases. Secondly, promote experiential consumption, such as travel, learning, and social experiences, as an alternative to material possessions. Thirdly, community engagement and social connection through initiatives that promote volunteering, community service, and social activities. Fourthly, educate the individuals about the consequences of excessive materialism and promote awareness about the importance of living as a balanced and meaningful life. Finally, it is concluded that due to understanding the root causes of excessive materialism and promoting solutions such as mindful consumption, experiential consumption, community engagement, and education, we can work towards creating a more balanced and sustainable society. PAKISTAN PAINDA BAD