Sardar Abdullah Muslim
Education is a key to development of the country. It’s very important to affects different societies and individual lives. Improvements in education system is central for the country’s future. The key aims were to universalize education to attain a respectable literacy level, provide quality education, make education purposeful, research based and upgrade higher moral and financial education through internationally recognized research. To fulfill needs of Education in Pakistan following indicators need improvements:
It’s vital to encourage a positive attitude towards education. In school we should say over and over reflecting on the meaning of learning and persist that students endeavor for excellence to become better scholars. Community programs and parental interests and participations can create educational culture in the homeland.
Trained teachers can generate a healthy education system. For this purpose professional, modernization and up gradation training courses and responsive teaching methodologies and skills should be launched. Help teachers to be energetic and to provide support action mechanism including resources where necessary to develop and enhance their capacities.
Technology integration and its use in educational net will basically make it result oriented. Schools should use computer and internet enabling to use digital resources as well as interactive learning aids. It brings education to life and makes it more attractive.
Students get motivation towards financial learning to pass a successful practical life in future. Students should educate to engage themselves in technology based education throwing out from the fight of gaining high marks and from the concept of collecting degrees. Regarding this ratio of such institute should be increased. This step is vital to ensure that every child has a chance to learn.
Curriculum is the pathway and direction to get goal so it has very sensitive role in education. It should be selected according to demands of future challenges. Its foundation should be based on our Quran and Sunnah. Islamic, moral, ethical, creative and research based syllabus can generate good citizens and creative personalities.
Improving the educational system in Pakistan is not only for individual achievement but It is also crucial for nurturing economic growth, social development, political standards and in overall improvements and betterments of the nation. So investing in education today is an investment in a brighter, more flourishing and prosperous future for Pakistan.