Ijaz used to return home late from his tyre puncture shop but he returned earlier the other day to give some time to wife who has never accused him for ignoring her.
He thought the he would go home, interact with his for a while and then they will together go out for dinner as they used to many years ago.
When he reached, his wife was busy in watching a renowned drama serial on TV and she switched on computer as he had to check emails. After a while, his wife brought a cup of tea for him and after taking tea, he again got engaged in different activities on computer.
The time passed quickly and when he checked the time it was 11 pm and it was not a time to go out for dinner now.
Ijaz’s wife placed the dinner on the table and he started taking food silently without saying a single word. Suddenly, he said to his wife that we will go downstairs for a walk and chat over which she seemed to be very happy.
Meantime, his favourite TV program started and he got engaged in watching program and fell asleep during the program.
When he woke up, it was midnight. He felt very sad over what happened in last couple of hours. He thought that he had arrived earlier thinking that he would take advantage of his early arrival and spend time with his wife but all in vain. Even, midnight had passed now and was left with nothing but to regret.
This is what it happens in daily life of almost every second person.
‘We think something but it happens something else.
We think that one day we will live long, but we die.
We think that we will complete any task but we don’t.’
Ijaz got from, washed his hands and face and went to bed where his wife exhausted of entire day’s hard work was sleeping. He sat quietly near her and started thinking.
He thoroughly reviewed past few years of his life when he got married 15 years earlier. He assured his wife of being with her in every turn of life whether it is happiness or sorrow.
But he hasn’t fulfilled his promise. What kind of relationship is this that he wakes up in the morning and gets busy in his work? His wife makes tea for him and he while taking tea gets busy in reading newspaper without a single word of appreciation or thanks to wife.
She prepares breakfast for him and the children. Then they both talk a little about household matters and he leaves for the shop.
She gets busy with household and children’s work. Then we both get busy with our work.
When Ijaz goes to shop, he considers it a pride that without him his shop can’t function. His wife does her work, prepares lunch and dinner for whole family.
He comes home late at night and get tired while eating. A whole day is spent, in the desire to live. That simple woman never complains to him.
He doesn’t know why she doesn’t. But Ijaz felt ashamed of himself.
The one a man loves the most, he cares the least for. Why?
Many times it seems that we no longer work for ourselves.
We work to cope with some unknown fear and anxiety.
We waste our lives under the pretext of living.
Since then he has been thinking, which day will it be when we start living. He questioned himself, “Are we living to buy a car, TV, phone, shoes, clothes?”