We are living in a diabetes effected society that is now hitting the young population those belongs to the poor class of the country. The most alarming thing is that, the Poverty has increased due to the economic crisis in the country which has led to other problems in the society, such as mental stress and obesity.
In Pakistan, the news of the fastest spread of diabetes in the world has also come out which has further increased the national problems.
Diabetes and obesity are increasing in the country, the main reason of that experts have stated as an unhealthy lifestyle of citizens. A strange thing has come out regarding the human lifestyle, that like the poor countries of South Asia, obesity is increasing in Europe due to food issues. The World Health Organization recently warned that alarming differences in diet, exercise and obesity rates between poor and wealthy young people across Europe, including Ireland, are fueling an epidemic of inequality.
European governments are being urged to tackle the problem by changing dietary regulations, encouraging active tourism and sports, limiting access to fast food in schools and other measures. In the published report the agency warned that unhealthy eating habits, increased rates of overweight and obesity or low levels of physical activity are making the matters worse. According to data from Ireland, young people who those from higher-income households have more access to sports and eat healthier diets than those from lower-income household’s families have less access to healthy foods. Dr. Martin member from WHO Europe said, this trend increases their reliance on processed and sugar-rich foods, which have detrimental effects on their health.
On the other hand, countries like Pakistan in Asia have gathered all the disorders of Europe which were not present thirty years ago. Local experts are also stating the main reason for this is the fast food. Readers know that in our country, the consumption of burgers, pizza, chicken roast and other spicy foods has increased in the newly rich families and elite class families. Apart from that, colorful artificial drinks are now a special part of every refrigerator in the house. Due to which there has been a very bad effect on the health of young children especially and they are not getting enough nutrition, but it would not be an exaggeration to say that today’s generation is stuck on the page of indigenous and fast food that they order form different[MS1] branded food chains.
Accordingly the rich class gets enough nutrition form another ways but the children of the poor have become addicted to pasta, Maggi and such temporary foods, which has caused a great loss to them because they only have a burger or pizza(non- standard) once or twice a week but the rest of the week, these children are relaying on unhealthy and unhygienic food due to which their sleep and health have been badly affected, which is increasing their mental stress then this can caused to obesity or extreme weakness, then finally leads to diseases like diabetes.
According to experts, advertising on TV and mobile phones is also spoiling the lives of the elite class, middle class and even the citizens living below the poverty line, which needs to be raised awareness. On the other hand both the elite and the poor classes have suffered from mobile phobia instead of participating in healthy activities. There are various side effects also, experts have expressed fear that if parents do not give importance to children’s sleep, home food and moderation in the use of mobile phones, our future global generation will be mentally and physically weaker.
Paying attention to this important issue is not only the responsibility of the parents, but the nutrition program, sports and extra-curricular healthy activities should be started in the schools by government is also very important.
It is hoped that the higher authorities will make a comprehensive plan to deal with this important problem for the better future of the young generation.