ISLAMABAD: The beneath-schooling overseas officials from the School of Military Intelligence visited Safe City on Friday. A public relation officer informed APP that the delegation visits the command and control center the data hub unit, cutting-edge era-equipped cameras, and the Police operations center hall. They had been absolutely briefed about the processes and advantages of this challenge. Furthermore, the delegation become knowledgeable that Safe City Islamabad is gambling a massive role in diverse departments via present day techniques, consisting of the Police Operations Center, Emergency Control Center, Data Hub Unit, Dispatch Control Center, E-Challan System, and the “Pucar-15” emergency helpline. The delegation become also apprised of the functionality and advantages of the Safe City cameras in the town. The current cameras of Safe City are playing a important function in ensuring the safety of the town, preventing crimes and safeguarding the lives and property of residents. Face popularity cameras had been mounted on the access and exit factors of the metropolis which might be gambling an critical position in figuring out suspicious factors. The delegation expressed special gratitude to DG Safe City Islamabad and his group for this a hit go to.