Dal Mash is most common recipe of Pakistan prepared at homes and restaurants. Whenever you visit and restaurant and asked about the recipes available, the first reply you will get is ‘Dal Mash’. It possesses the same status among the pulses which potato possess among the vegetables. Ingredients required to prepare dal mash are as under.
Ingredients Quantity
Dal Mash (soak for 1 hour) 1 cup
Onion 2 pieces
Tomato 2 pieces
Garlic, ginger 1 teaspoon
Salt To taste
Red chili powder To taste
Turmeric 1/4 teaspoon
Cooking oil 1 cup
Preparation Method.
Take cooking oil in a pan, put onion and fry till its turns gold.
Then add tomatoes and remaining spices and fry for a while.
Now add the soaked dal mash and continue frying for about 4 minutes.
Add two cups of water and pressure cook for 3-4 minutes.
Now add coriander leaves. Add green chilies, ginger and hot spices.
Spicy and delicious dal mash is ready.