Parachinar: Ceasefire finally comes to Kurram after 28 people have been killed and over 130 civilians injured as two Pakistani villages in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa had been in civil armed conflict with each other.
The local/regional civil authorities have just brokered a ceasefire after negotiations with tribal elders of both sides succeeded.
Intense fighting had been ongoing since the last five days between two local tribal groups, which have a history of prior animosities over their respective views/way of life.
In Kurram’s upper rural areas, the two opposing tribal forces both deployed and engaged in fighting using military-grade, high-calibre, restricted weaponry.
This includes most concerning, the use of battlefield-ranged, fin-stabilised, improvised rocket-propelled explosive projectiles that locals erroneously refer to as “missiles”. One of which landed in a dense urban area Parachinar city, thankfully not hitting any person.
Other arms that have been used regularly for the last five days in this now-ended conflict include (but are not limited to) regular RPGs, heavy machine guns, sniper rifles, grenades and other small arms.
This fighting involved over a hundred men on each side with the initial clashes having spread to multiple villages from the original two where the fighting was concentrated, the villages of Boshera and Malakhel.