Muhammad Anwar-ul- Haq
Pakistan is a developing country and financial or economic condition of the Pakistani community is not so good. For the betterment of financial position of the people of Pakistan, it is very necessary to introduce a mini project like aquaculture in the rural areas all over the Pakistan. In this regard, the fish farming promotion in Pakistan is the good source to enhanced Income for the Pakistani community. it is also the alternate source of omega rich compounds for healthy food and the guaranteed food security. Moreover, Fish food contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential nutrients that play an important role in human healthy nourishment. Pakistan has mammoth potential for aquaculture development, due to long coastline of south western borders, extensive network of rivers and canals, and a favorable climate for the fish farming. The various parts of Punjab and Sindh provinces has widespread system of rivers, lakes, and flooded areas, possesses immense potential for fish farming, an industry that can play a vital role in enhancing income and food security for millions of people. Despite having a rich aquatic resource base, Pakistan’s fish farming sector remains underdeveloped, contributing only marginally touch to the country’s GDP and food supply. However, with the increasing demand for protein-rich food, rising poverty levels, and declining natural fisheries, promoting fish farming in Pakistan can only provide a profitable opportunity for rural communities to improve their livelihoods, increase food availability, and contribute to the country’s economic growth. The current deliberation aims to explore the potential of fish farming in Pakistan, identify the challenges and opportunities in this sector, and propose strategies for promoting sustainable and profitable fish farming practices that can enhance income and food security for Pakistani communities as well as increase the export of fish and various fish products to boost up the economy of Pakistan. Various benefits of Aquaculture for Individual Sustainability: The Aquaculture provides a source of income and employment for rural communities, enhancing individual sustainability. Secondly, fish farming can improve food security and to provide a reliable source of protein-rich food, which is essential for human physical health. Thirdly, the project of aquaculture can also contribute to poverty reduction, as it provides a means of income generation for marginalized communities in rural areas of Pakistan. Here there are few suggestions/ recommendations for the stakeholders of the country to adopt these different strategies for promoting aquaculture mini projects in Pakistan. It is on the part of public sector organizations to develop infrastructure, including fish farms, hatcheries, and processing facilities to the common people. In addition, to feel responsibility for facilitation to the nation in shape of research and development in aquaculture, focusing on species development, feed formulation, and disease management. Furthermore, government of Pakistan to Provide training and capacity-building programs for fish farmers, focusing on best management practices and business skills. For the financial help of rural community to introduce and access programs like microfinance and credit facilities to the fish farmers. The government of Pakistan has launched several initiatives to promote aquaculture, including the “National Aquaculture Policy” and the “Fisheries and Aquaculture Development Program”. Additionally, the government has also established institutions in different cities, such as the “Pakistan Fisheries Development Authority” and the “National Institute of Oceanography”, to support aquaculture development. It is concluded that, the government took various initiatives and adopt different policies to provide a supportive framework for aquaculture development, and with the support of private sector investment and community participation, Pakistan can become a significant player in the global aquaculture industry.
The Author is M. Phil. Scholar in Zoology Department of Zoology Emersion University Multan