Thought, worked and achieved the goals
The legend businessman said that COVID was a critical time when business across the globe was closed. He said that he had to travel to China and other countries but language was major issue which has much eased due to translators and information technology. He said that COVID created lot of problems for almost every section of society but by Grace of Allah Almighty the didn’t give up and continued hard work and struggle.
He said that during 10 years of COVID they earned more profit that other years. We don’t make COVID an excuse and continued hard work in accordance with the situation.
Giving details of commercial organization built on Ring Road Peshawar, he said that it was named after his father Haji Bahaudur Khan, spending a retired life of business. He termed his father as ideal and role model for him terming him as hardworking and honest person who continued struggle throughout his life. My father started from zero and we are taking care of a tree which was already bearing fruit, he added.
My father and brothers were doing textile business. But we worked on the idea of starting a little different business as we had the finance and manpower. Retail hypermarket is evergreen business. During COVID, when there was lockdown across the globe, the hypermarket was opened. Like grocery and pharmacy are basic necessity for survival, retail stores also remained opened during the COVID lockdown. The manufacturers of whole world were closed down during COVID but the retail stores remained opened.
With discussion over the issue, initiated construction of the hyper mall in 2020. The actual construction of hyper mall was started in 2021. Today, HBK Arena Hypermarket is the only retail mall for the family in Peshawar.
Everyone has his own responsibility. I personally take care of HBK blankets, from 10 am to 6 am. In the evening, me and my brother attend the financial and management meetings of HBK Hypermarket. There is consultation system among our brothers and we respect each other’s opinion. I am one of the six directors of HBK Group.
HBK Arena and HBK Hypermarket is located at Ring Road Peshawar. The HBK consists of food brands, entertainment and children’s playing area. HBK Hypermarket is a separate entity and HBK Hyper Mall Management Company is owned by us. More than two thousands of workers are directly or indirectly affiliated with HBK Group. The main unit of HBK Blanket is in Faisalabad which also accommodates hundreds of families.
Working with utmost diligence and honesty is basic rule of our family and company. When you work hard and continue struggle, success itself approaches you. We adopted the same principles and achieved the success.
Overseas Pakistanis visiting hypermarket in Peshawar appreciate the setup. Besides good shopping environment is playground for children, grocery, food outlets and open parking space. We have parking space for near 400 vehicles.
I joined business and was enjoying it. I like to spend more time in field and practical life as I am not ‘bookish’. During by M. Com, though I studied less than other students but still cleared my papers in first term.
HBK Group is proud of to be fully committed to Shariah and its 100 percent revenue is generated in accordance with Shariah. The group has 48,000 items in its hypermarket which don’t include cigarette or snuff as we consider it haram. On the other hand, we consider ‘zakat’ as source of ‘Barkat’ and pay ‘zakat’ on regular basis in accordance with Islamic teachings.
What all you seeing in our property and wealth is only due to halal, avoiding interest and paying zakat. We try our best to pay zakat to rightful who deserves it.
There is poverty in Khyber district and people are leading life below poverty level. Residents of Tirah area even don’t have cleaning drinking water, health and education facilities. Students and teachers of religious seminaries suffer most.
We attempt to provide food, dress and bear expanses of poor school and seminaries students. Through a consultation system, we have established a set to facilitate 2500 deserving students in paying their school fees, providing them books, uniforms and other basic facilities.
Allah Almighty has blessed me with two sons, two daughters and I am leading a very prosperous and happy life.
It is good to treat the staff with good attitude and good manners, but I will not use too friendly words for the staff, I have this habit whether it is good or bad that I am completely to the point and absolutely straight forward with the staff. I never laugh too much neither get any. Its’ is our organization and we can do everything here. Our job is to hire good people and make a team. It is job of a captain to organize a good team. A good captain can’t be necessarily good batsman or fielder. I have fond of learning and reach every destination where I can get something to learn. I don’t waste any opportunity. I attend two international exhibitions in China every year. Though, we don’t have business deal on every visit but learn a lot about the purchase and issues faced in this connection.
I have visited 23 countries so far. Including Middle East, Far East, Middle East Qatar, Dubai, Saudi Arabia. Apart from this, I have also traveled to Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Alhamdulillah Europe in Far East, I have also been to UK in addition to Europe, I have seen about 23 countries.
I liked Switzerland very much in terms of beauty. People exemplify the beauty of Switzerland. When I saw Switzerland, I was forced to think that Allah has created such a beautiful place in the world, so how beautiful will Allah’s paradise be. But we have had a very short stay in Switzerland. I have been to China more than fifty times. Whenever I go to China, I learn something from there, they have a very fast infrastructure, the first time I go, there is an empty plot, when I go after three or four months, there is a thirty-storey building. China has a very fast train system called G Train, you will go on it at a speed of 300 km per hour but you will not even feel what it is, the distance from Peshawar to Lahore is covered in five to six hours by car. Let’s say you will cover this distance in one and a half hours by G train and during this time you can use your mobile phone and laptop but you will not even know it. When I go to China, I feel quite good, secondly when you do business, your status is a little different and the protocol is also there. In terms of natural beauty, I like Switzerland but in terms of infrastructure China attracts me a lot.
I have a brotherly advice for young people, that they should try to become a business mind, not necessarily a millionaire in every business, but try to start your own business with a small setup. You may disagree with this advice of mine, but I like it for myself. Business is also encouraged in many hadiths and there is a blessing in business. Apparently, things seem difficult, but once a person jumps into it, Allah makes things easy. Right now the youth are frustrated and they sit at home saying there is no work, but I say they are making excuses, it is not so. People make excuses that there is no work. But, I will ask people to give off excuses and set destinations and targets for yourself. Work with hard work and honesty, success will itself proceed towards you.