Mardan (Khurshid Wahab) All Pakistan Clerks Association Mardan President Mohammad Mozam Ali Khan and General Secretary Syed Tahir Shah Mayar spoke to the media representative and said that on February 20, APCA in connection with the pension rescue movement in Islamabad).
All Pakistan Clerks Association along with pension movement The strike and the sit -in will be made successful by becoming part of. If the talks of our leaders remain with the government and the government refuses to accept our demands, then the strike and sit -in on February 20 will participate in the strike and the sit -in and do not refrain from any sacrifice. Given the fragility of the situation.
The process and some instructions were also issued to make the future pension rescue movement a success, with the commitment that all the clerks would demonstrate the maintenance of unity and peace. General Secretary Syed Tahir Shah Mayar paid tribute to his friends’ previous performance and sacrifices. He said that on the basis of excellent performance in the All Pakistan Clerks Association, the sacrifices of Mardan and then the Commissioner’s Office Clerks in Mardan are not hidden from anyone who is as bright as day.
He further said that the clerks of Mardan district have a unique position in the community, and especially the commissioner clerks and staff have another special place, which has led to a commitment to keep it in every future. And finally all the clerks appealed to the community that the Islamabad Parliament House on February 20 to make the pension rescue movement a success Be ready at all times, playing a vital role in ensuring peaceful participation in front of them.