Alia Bhatt is gearing up to showcase a completely new avatar in her upcoming spy thriller, Alpha. The actress is currently engrossed in intense action sequences for the film, which is part of the Yash Raj Films’ spy universe. As per a report by Mid-Day, sources reveal that Alia is currently filming a particularly brutal and gory action sequence with veteran actor Bobby Deol, who is playing the antagonist in the film.
The duo is locked in intense hand-to-hand combat, as well as weapon-based fights, for a scene choreographed by renowned action director Casey O’Neill. For the unversed, O’Neill, known for his work on blockbusters like Jawan, Top Gun: Maverick, and Jack Reacher, brings his expertise to Alpha to create a visually stunning and high-octane action sequence.
A source told the publication, “It is a no-holds-barred set-piece full of blood, gore and brutality, as Alia and Bobby go at each other with weapons as well as hand-to-hand combat. She is dressed in black, with a gun strapped to her thigh, while Bobby sports cropped hair and a salt-and-pepper beard. The makers wanted Casey to design the stunts as he is an expert in advanced stunt technology.”