Javed Khan (Haripur)
Rehmat Ali, Habibullah Khan, Qari Hidayatullah and others, residents of Abdullahpur village in Haripur district, while holding a press conference on the theft of Rs.1,24,00000 Rupees They are refusing to return, we have registered a case under section PPC-489.B/420 in the police station TIP, cases have been registered against these accused in various police stations of Pakistan and they are also accused in many cases. An attempt was made to file a bogus case. When we investigated the matter further, it came to know that SP Investigation Jamil ur Rehman was involved with the accused and he issued orders to the police station president that the accused should be released honorably and action should be taken against Rahmat Ali. Strict action should be taken against the police officer and these nefarious mafia and justice should be provided to us. If a transparent inquiry is not conducted against SP Investigation Jamil ur Rehman, then we will knock on the door of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Haji Akhtar Nawaz, Liaqat Khan, Sultan Muhammad, Anwar Khan, Majoon Khan, Arshad, Shakeel Ahmad, Fahad Khan, Razmat Khan, Gul Arbab, Murad Ali, Ahsan Khan, Abid Ali and Rahmat Ali’s relatives were also present.