Sajjad mirza
Bhimber: At the Al -Khudmat Foundation’s charity dinner, the citizens of Bhimber announce more than ten million donations to sponsor orphans of the entire district in the next two years. According to the Al -Khudmat Foundation District Bhimber, a charity dinner was organized for sponsorship for the orphans of Bhimber Tehsil, whose guest was the special Vice President of the Special Al -Khudmat Foundation Pakistan Mian Abdul Shakoor. President Colonel R Zafar Rasheed Abbasi, Pakistan’s prominent scholar Akhtar Abbas Jamaat -e -Islami Azad Kashmir Deputy Amir Dr. Abdul Rahman al -Khudmat Foundation, Dr. Riaz Ahmed Mirza Jamaat -e -Islami District Amir Dr. Ataullah Qasmi, former President of Al -Khudmat Foundation Foundation. President Chaudhry Farid Ahmed and Al -Khudmat Foundation Azad Kashmir Regional Manager Shoaib Nazir addressed while men and women attending the ceremony announced a donation of Rs. Ten million by sponsoring 150 children. Announced that in the next two years there will be no child in Bhimber who loses sponsorship