The young generations, who are involved in physical activities like sports, they are generally happier and healthier than those who spend too much their times on screens. Recently in the age of digitalization, the younger generation is spending more time on the screens and glued to screens period increased very much. They engrossed in a virtual world of social media, video games, and streaming services. Although, digital technology race in the world has brought a lot of benefits and opportunities for the human beings. It is undeniable talk about the use of advanced features of modern technology for developing mechanism of the nation of any country but excessive screen time has been linked to a surfeit of physical and mental health concerns, there are many physical problems develop within the body due to lack of physical activities. The cases of obesity, sleep deprivation, anxiety, and depression are increased in the young generation of the Pakistani society due to their unbalanced life styles. Now the parents encourage their young ones to adopt a healthier and more balanced lifestyle, and set their prioritize of physical activities, increased social interaction times, and emotional well-being. It is the famous quote “A nation whose playgrounds are thriving will have hospitals that are deserted” This is where sports come in – a powerful tool for promoting corporeal and cerebral health, building resilience, confidence, and fostering a wisdom of communal and their deep relations. The young generation can unlock a wealth of benefits that can last a lifetime by shifting their focus from screens to sports and, paving the way for a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life. A crisis that affects all the young generation throughout the country, regardless their age, background and socioeconomic status. The health and happiness of society depends to play their active role in the playgrounds but now the crises of inactive lifestyle of the youngsters and mostly they twisted and addicted to digital screens, which is dangerous for the healthy life. Our generation live in a world where screens are pervasive. Today, persons wake up to screens, go to bed with screens, and spend most of the waking hours staring at screens. The generation use more digital screens moves towards lethargic life styles. Sports and screens are the two sleuths of picture in the today society. But sports time have more beneficial over the screen time for the attractive life of young children. No doubt, screens can provide access to information, entertainment, and learning opportunities, but it creates more issues regarding health concerns such as reduction of physical activities. Addiction of screens is a general public health concern problems that causes significant harm to both individuals and society. The dichotomous relationship between screens and sports represents a thoughtful paradox in the modern society. From one side the screens have become a universal part for daily lives, dominating the vacation times and increasingly with inclined encroaching over the physical activities. But the consequences are very cleared in other hand such as rising the rate of obesity in the families, declining attention times to the life spans, and a generation of children who are more adept at pilfering screens than kicking balls. In contrast the sports and physical activities of man offer a strong solution to the inactive, isolated existence raised by screens. Physical and mental health only boost up by the activities through the sports in the open playgrounds with green grass. From the sports activities we as a whole nation learn a lesson of teamwork and to develop social skills in our young generation. PAKISTAN PAINDA BAD