Bollywood’s gorgeous actress Katrina Kaif revealed that she slapped one of the industry’s versatile actors, Imran Khan, 20 times for a particular scene. In an interview with Indian media, Katrina shared a memorable incident from the set of the film Mere Brother Ki Dulhan.
Katrina mentioned that during the filming of this movie, she had to slap Imran in a specific scene. Initially, she was disappointed as she was not executing the scene well. Imran suggested that to make the scene more realistic, she should slap him for real.
She explained that several retakes were done, and in the end, she ended up slapping him approximately 15 or 16 times before Imran begged her to stop, saying he couldn’t take any more slaps. However, by then, they had captured one of the best scenes for the film.
The romantic comedy Mere Brother Ki Dulhan was released in 2011 and starred Imran Khan, Katrina Kaif, Ali Zafar, and Tara D’Souza.