32,899 waste disposed of, 1445mln gallon water supplied to people in last year
Our Correspondent
KOHAT: Water and Sanitation Services Company Kohat (WSSCK) on Tuesday released a performance report 2024.
The WSSCK staff by performing duties efficiently, 32,899 ton waste disposed of during carrying out cleanliness in six urbans and KDA, besides 1445 million gallon water were supplied to residents and a vibrant supply chain, according to the annual report.
In collaboration with Asian Development Bank, 70 percent work on ongoing Green Space Project in Kohat Sports Complex has completed in Kohat city under Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Citizens Improvement Project, while work on sewerage treatment plan and water supply network has accelerated, which would be completely shortly, the report stated.
The report furthermore said out of 350 kilometer long pipeline, 170 kilometer pipelines were laid down for supply of water by removing outdated and rusted pipelines under water supply network project in 2024.
The remaining work on the pipeline is going on at a fast pace, it added.
The report said work on a sewerage treatment plant in Kotal Township is being carried out with full swing.
In order to provide best facilities at the people’s doorstep, the WSSCK has set up 1700 main holes and 1000 house chambers uptil now under Sewerage System in 2024, the report elaborated.
The performance report explained work on construction of 10 tubewells with nine overhead reservoirs is going on with a fast tempo under water supply network project in which five tubewells and five tubewells boring were included.
Under the energy saving and load shedding-free plan, the report said four tubewells have been converted into solar system and the WSSCK continued its services to people in the last year.
The campaign for recovery of water charges/dues, illegal water connections and new connections conducted by water rate staff under supervision of Chief Executive Office WSSCK Babar Khan Tanoli, which has improved performance of the company with production of tangible results.