If someone questions you that what is most powerful weapon ever invented by man, then your mind will obviously go to atom bomb or hydrogen bomb.
But your thinking is not right. As the most powerful invention of the time is a mobile phone and one can’t underestimate its power.
Mobile phone is so powerful that:
(a). It cut off the landline (telephone).
(b). It killed the TV.
(c). It removed the computer from the relationship.
(d). It stopped the watch from rotating.
(e). It turned the camera off.
(f). It silenced the radio.
(g). It stopped the use of the torch.
(h). It broke the mirror.
(i). It tore up newspapers, magazines and books.
(j). It destroyed video games.
(k). It ruined the pocket wallet.
(l). It crushed the desk calendar and the note diary.
(m). Outdated the Credit Card.
The power of cell phone in negative aspects is that:
1 – It separated or distanced many married couples from each other.
2 – It ruined many families and family friendships.
3 – It made students careless and strayed from the path of success and left them like feathers on the path of the wind.
Gradually, we will understand that it will blind our eyes, break our spine, change our minds and culture and kill us.
It is looking to destroy our next generation. If we do not take care of ourselves, it will also crush our souls and make our hearts hard and heavy. He will do something that our future generations will regret while their regret will be useless.
And of course, in the near future, he will probably seek to control our minds.
So let’s use this destructive weapon properly so that we never have to face any accidents or regrets.