Although the political leadership of the country is busy in their own clash but the masses are straggling for their basic needs of livelihood which is very alarming situation. It’s a fact that Pakistan is unique atomic state whose citizens are the victims of starvation, stunting and lacking of basic human rights that makes them mentally disturbed and unhealthy which is harming the whole society. According to health specialists and phycologists the unrest in the society is result of poverty and lacing of facilities that includes heath, education and municipal services to the citizens.
On other hand the human rights NGO’S and organization also reported that domestic violence and torcher in that poor papulation is the result of that disrespect and ignoring of the masses for which they are straggling form the day of independence. Due to these deprivations, now the common citizens about to come out against the government’s policies. If have a look at the strikes of the masses they often demanding basic human rights food and electricity in the rallies and gatherings.
Yesterday a rally was held in Panjab’s capital Lahore to address the need of basic of life those are batter environment, food and low-priced electricity. According to the reports Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) on Tuesday reminded the government that jobs and livelihoods, particularly among vulnerable workers and peasants, remain under strain in the country. In a statement published in the renowned newspaper, the watchdog demanded the state to “priorities people’s right to decent work and understand that beyond fair wages and collective bargaining, this right intersects with the right to connectivity for gig workers, land rights for landless peasants and small farmers, and clean air for all urban and daily-wage workers”.
It also voiced concerns over a rapid deterioration in people’s right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly in the country. The HRCP urged the state to urgently realize the fundamental rights enshrined in Pakistan’s Constitution. The human rights watchdog demanded the protection of rights, particularly those that have come under immense pressure in the last year, including the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, the need for economic and climate justice. It denounced “raids on homes, preventive detention and the use of disproportionate and even illegal force” against protesters in the country. “Tacit censorship has given way to more direct measures, particularly in the digital sphere, with increasingly stringent regulations and bans on social media platforms,” the statement read.
The watchdog observed that “short-term disappearance of journalists and activists has further stifled any space for investigation and advocacy, much less dissent”. “On Human Rights Day, it is also the most vulnerable and excluded to whom we need to give visibility — women, children, religious minorities, transgender persons, the elderly, refugees and internally displaced persons, and persons living with disabilities — whose fundamental rights must be protected at all costs,” it concluded.
These statistics shows that the common citizen in the country have no confidence on its governments and high us who are responsible for countering the poverty in the country. Therefor it is the duty of the political leadership of the country to side line the nonissues violent politics and come to important issues of the masses those increasing day by day in the terrorism effected society. According to reports In Pakistan, 38 percent of the children under five years of age are stunted. With one of the highest prevalence in the world, stunting is a rising emergency in the country. The situation is particularly worse in Sindh, where it has affected approximately 50 percent of the children – and the number is increasing while Pakistan is currently ranked as the 8th most vulnerable country to the impact of climate change, as seen during unprecedented floods in 2022. It struggles with high multidimensional poverty. Nearly half of an average household’s monthly expenditure goes towards food and 82 percent of the population cannot afford a healthy diet. So the rulers well have to pay full attentions to these important issues.